48 years of advocating for women's rights worldwide

KULU – Women and Development is a cross-political development organization and umbrella organization for 24 women’s organizations, equality committees, and other organizations in Denmark, along with a circle of individual members. The Women’s Development Committee is neutral regarding party politics, religion, and race.


Projects across the globe

KULU has also had extensive project collaborations with larger and smaller women’s organizations and networks in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Currently, KULU is partnering with FEMNET in Mali and Femmes pour la Paix et les Droits Humains (FPDH) in the DR Congo.


The history of KULU

Since the first Danish strategy for women and development, KULU has played a crucial role in prioritizing women’s rights in Danish development policy.

Over the years, the organization has left its mark on numerous debates about Danish development and trade policy. KULU organizes debate meetings, seminars, and awareness campaigns and publishes materials on current issues based on dialogue with women’s organizations and networks worldwide.

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